Chart.JS에서 라벨을 자르면서 툴팁에서 전체 라벨 값을 유지하는 방법은 무엇인가요?

How to truncate labels in Chartjs

In this video we will explore how to add truncated labels in Chart js while keeping the full label intact in the tooltip.

In Chart js once the labels are getting to long it will impact the chart. This affects the size of the chart as well and quite often it does not show the chart nicely.

Truncating the label itself can create an issue if it would impact the tooltip as well. This video will show you how to only truncate the label without damaging the tooltip.

Chart JS truncated labels

Chart JS truncated labels

In Javascript the truncate method can be used to reduce the label size to the exact amount of characters. However, we will need to work with a callback to adjust specifically a the scales only. This avoids the tooltip being truncated as well.

With the callback we are basically getting the data but modify it before it would display on the labels.

Why Chart js labels impact the size of the chart?

In Chart js the labels are getting a pre-calculated about of space. As the canvas is restricted due to the maintainAspectRatio settings in Chart js. This means it keeps the canvas width and height ratio consistent. This restricts the growth of the chart where it is needed.

Chart.js Maintain Aspect Ratio

The maintainAspectRatio keeps the Chart from adjusting the size if the canvas is nested in a div element that has a pre-determined size. This means the div is leading for the size of the canvas.

This means everything else must fit within the frame. This results in a flexible chartArea which can shrink to make all the other parts fit.

If you look carefully the chartArea is not the canvas but the drawing of the chart only. The legend and the x-axis and y-axis is part of the canvas but is not considered the chartArea.

This means the maintainAspectRatio can only adjust the chartArea. This restricts the shape and impacts everything else. If the canvas does not need to maintain the aspect ratio in that case we can modify this without damaging the chart.

Chart JS aspect ratio

Besides maintaining the aspect ratio there is also the option to define an aspectRatio in Chart.js. What this does is modifying the size to keep width and height in ratio. By default Chart.js has a defined aspect ratio for each chart type.

  • Bar Chart has an aspectRatio: 2 (2 width, 1 height)
  • Line Chart has an aspectRatio: 2 (2 width, 1 height)
  • LineArea Chart has an aspectRatio: 2 (2 width, 1 height)
  • Scatter Chart has an aspectRatio: 2 (2 width, 1 height)
  • Bubble Chart has an aspectRatio: 2 (2 width, 1 height)
  • PolarArea Chart has an aspectRatio: 1 (1 width, 1 height)
  • Radar Chart has an aspectRatio: 1 (1 width, 1 height)
  • Doughnut and Pie Chart has an aspectRatio: 1 (1 width, 1 height)

This is a default option, and this can be modified to your personal liking by adjusting the value of aspectRatio. If the aspectRatio is set on ‘1’ the chart will be shaped like a square. If it is set on ‘2’ the chart starts to look like a rectangle. You can increase the aspectRatio value to make the chart look more narrow.

How to Resize the Chart and Maintain Aspect Ratio with the ‘maintainAspectRatio’ setting.

To get deeper insight on this watch this video explaining how to resize the chart and maintainAspectRatio.

Resize the Chart and Maintain Aspect Ratio in Chart.js

The video shows you how to solve a common issue with chart resizing. However, the chartArea is the one that eventually gets impacted. The video will show what is being impacted and how to play around with the maintainAspectRatio.

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