선택 드롭다운을 사용하여 Chart 데이터셋 업데이트하는 방법 | Chart.js

선택 드롭다운을 사용하여 Chart 데이터셋 업데이트하는 방법 | Chart.js

In this viewers question the focus was on creating an interactive chart. The goal was how to use a select dropdown option. Once an option was selected the chart will update based on the selected option. The selected option is connected to a dataset that would trigger an update function on click.

These kind of interactive charts are absolutely great and keeps your viewers engaged. A digital chart should be interactive as we are not dealing with pictures but a website. This is why a solid understanding of Javascript is recommended. Especially understanding arrays with Chart JS which is being covered in the Chart.js 배열 시리즈.

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