1. How to Make a Histogram Chart

How to Make a Histogram Chart

How to Make a Histogram Chart in Chart.js. A histogram chart is a different type of chart compare to a bar chart. They have many resemblance but the x-axis scale is different.

This video covers how to create a histogram chart in Chart.js. We will be using the bar chart structure as a our starting point.

How to make a histogram chart in Chart.js, part 1

What makes a Histogram chart different compare to a bar chart?

Difference 1: Histogram chart does not contain any space between each bar.

With the Histogram chart does not contain any space between each bar. It should be all attached to each other because the x-scale usually measures a time interval between each bar. Having space between each bar would indicated no activity during that specific interval.

Difference 2: The x-axis labels are between the bars, not below.

Secondly, the x-axis labels are not below the bars. In a bar chart this is the case but for a histogram chart the should be between the bars. As it indicates a time interval where for example a specific hour starts and ends.

Get the default chart js code to get started.

To get started with the histogram chart we will use the default code from the getting started with Chart.js page. This default code will give you a great starting point.

Data structures for Histogram Chart

A histogram chart will need 2 specific datapoints. We will be dealing with the x and y coordinates. This means we will be using data structures.

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