查看 Chart.js 課程: Chart.js:缺失的手冊課程

在 Chart.js 中標記你的坐標軸:清晰可視化的指南

在 Chart.js 圖表中,坐標軸標籤在傳達數據含義方面起著關鍵作用。它們告訴觀眾每個軸代表什麼,使你的圖表更容易理解。本文將指導你如何在 Chart.js 圖表中為 X 軸(水平)和 Y 軸(垂直)添加標籤。



  • X 軸(水平): 這個軸通常代表自變量,通常是一個類別或時間值。
  • Y 軸(垂直): 這個軸代表因變量,即根據 X 軸值而變化的數值。

在 Chart.js 中添加坐標軸標籤:

默認情況下,Chart.js 可能不會自動顯示坐標軸標籤。以下是添加標籤的方法:


首先,創建一個對象來配置你的圖表(通常稱為 config)。在這個對象中,你將定義 options 屬性:

const config = {
  // ... other chart options
  options: {
    // Axis label properties go here

設置 X 軸標籤:

options 屬性內,使用 scales.x.title 屬性來定義 X 軸的標籤:

options: {
  scales: {
    x: {
      title: {
        display: true, // Set to true to display the label
        text: 'Month'  // Your desired label text

display: true 確保標籤可見。
text: 'Month' 設置實際的標籤文本。

設置 Y 軸標籤:

同樣,使用 scales.y.title 屬性來定義 Y 軸的標籤:

options: {
  scales: {
    x: {
      // ... X-axis options
    y: {
      title: {
        display: true,
        text: 'Sales Amount ($)'


Chart.js 提供了額外的選項來個性化你的坐標軸標籤:

  • 字體和顏色: 你可以使用 fontcolor 等屬性在 title 對象內控制字體樣式和顏色。
  • 對齊方式: 使用 align: 'start', align: 'center'align: 'end' 來設置標籤相對於坐標軸的位置。


通過添加清晰且信息豐富的坐標軸標籤,你可以顯著提高 Chart.js 圖表的可讀性和理解性。探索 Chart.js 文檔,了解更多詳細信息。 https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/getting-started/ 以獲取有關坐標軸標籤自定義的更多細節,並發掘其他令人興奮的功能,來提升你的圖表!


對於具有大量數據點或長標籤的圖表,考慮啟用標籤旋轉以防止重疊。你可以在 Chart.js 文檔中的 scales.x.ticksscales.y.ticks 屬性中找到標籤旋轉的選項。


保持新鮮:使用新數據更新你的 Chart.js 圖表

Chart.js 圖表是可視化數據的絕佳方式,但如果你的數據發生變化該怎麼辦?別擔心,Chart.js 允許你動態更新圖表,使其保持新鮮並反映最新信息。這個初學者友好的指南將向你展示如何輕鬆更新你的 Chart.js 圖表!


假設你有一個圖表顯示網站流量隨時間的變化。隨著新訪問者的到來,你會希望更新圖表以反映這些變化。以下是 Chart.js 如何處理數據更新的方式:

  1. 修改數據對象:圖表的數據通常存儲在 JavaScript 對象中。要更新圖表,你需要修改這個對象中的值。
  2. 觸發更新:一旦你修改了數據對象,你需要告訴 Chart.js 用新信息重新繪製圖表。


以下是更新 Chart.js 圖表的步驟細節:


首先,使用 Chart.js 創建你的圖表,並指定數據和選項:

const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');

const data = {
  labels: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar'],
  datasets: [{
    label: 'Website Traffic',
    data: [1000, 1200, 1500],
    backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
    borderColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)'

const config = {
  type: 'line',
  data: data

const myChart = new Chart(ctx, config);

在這裡,我們創建了一個顯示前三個月網站流量數據的折線圖(data)。我們將新創建的圖表對象存儲在變量 myChart 中。



// Update the data object with new values
  • We add “Apr” to the labels array to represent the new month on the X-axis.
  • We push the new traffic value (1800) to the data array within the dataset.

告訴 Chart.js 更新:

最後,我們使用 myChart 對象來指示 Chart.js 用修改後的數據更新圖表:


The update() update() 方法告訴 Chart.js 根據最新數據重新渲染圖表。 data 對象內控制字體樣式和顏色。


  • 你可以更新數據對象中的任何部分,不僅僅是數據點。這使你可以動態更改標籤、顏色或其他圖表配置。
  • 考慮使用事件監聽器或由新數據觸發的函數來自動化更新過程。


通過了解如何修改數據對象和觸發 update() 方法,你可以保持 Chart.js 圖表的動態性和信息性。這使你能夠實時向觀眾展示最新數據。大膽地更新你的圖表吧!


Labeling Your Axes: A Beginner’s Guide to Chart.js Axis Labels

Chart.js 圖表非常適合數據可視化,但要使它們真正具有信息性,你需要為坐標軸提供清晰且簡潔的標籤。這些標籤告訴觀眾每個坐標軸上的數據表示什麼。以下是理解和自定義 Chart.js 坐標軸標籤的初學者友好指南:



  • X 軸(水平): 這個軸通常代表自變量,通常是一個類別或時間值。
  • Y 軸(垂直): 這個軸代表因變量,即根據 X 軸值而變化的數值。

在 Chart.js 中添加坐標軸標籤:

默認情況下,Chart.js 可能不會自動顯示坐標軸標籤。以下是添加標籤的方法:


首先,創建一個對象來配置你的圖表(通常稱為 config)。在這個對象中,你將定義 options 屬性:

const config = {
  // ... other chart options
  options: {
    scales: {
      x: {}, // Axis label properties go here
      y: {}

設置 X 軸標籤:

options 屬性內,使用 scales.x.title 屬性來定義 X 軸的標籤:

options: {
  scales: {
    x: {
      title: {
        display: true, // Set to true to display the label
        text: 'Month'  // Your desired label text

display: true 確保標籤可見。
text: 'Month' 設置實際的標籤文本。

設置 Y 軸標籤:

同樣,使用 scales.y.title 屬性來定義 Y 軸的標籤:

options: {
  scales: {
    x: {
      // ... X-axis options
    y: {
      title: {
        display: true,
        text: 'Sales Amount ($)'


Chart.js 提供了額外的選項來個性化你的坐標軸標籤:

  • 字體和顏色: 你可以使用 fontcolor 等屬性在 title 對象內控制字體樣式和顏色。
  • 對齊方式: 使用 align: 'start', align: 'center'align: 'end' 來設置標籤相對於坐標軸的位置。


通過添加清晰且具有信息性的坐標軸標籤,你可以大大提升 Chart.js 圖表的可讀性和理解度。

探索 Chart.js 文檔 https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/getting-started/ 以獲取有關坐標軸標籤自定義的更多細節,並發掘其他令人興奮的功能,來提升你的圖表!


對於具有大量數據點或長標籤的圖表,考慮啟用標籤旋轉以防止重疊。你可以在 Chart.js 文檔中的 scales.x.ticksscales.y.ticks 屬性中找到標籤旋轉的選項。


讓你的線條更平滑:理解 Chart.js 中的緊張度

假設你正在使用 Chart.js 創建一個折線圖,展示你朋友在派對上吃了多少餅乾。默認情況下,連接他們餅乾數量的線條可能會顯得有些僵硬。這時,緊張度 tension 就派上用場了!它可以幫助你使這些線條更加平滑,更容易追蹤。

在 Chart.js 中,緊張度 Tension 是什麼?

把圖表中的線條想像成一把彎曲的尺。 Tension 控制著這把尺的彎曲程度:

  • Tension = 0 (Default): This makes the ruler completely rigid, resulting in straight lines connecting your data points.
  • Tension between 0 and 1: As you increase the tension value, the ruler becomes more bendy, creating smoother curves in your lines.
  • Tension = 1: This makes the ruler super bendy, creating very sharp curves that might not always be realistic for your data.

為什麼使用緊張度 Tension?

  • 更清晰的趨勢: 當你的數據有漸進的上升或下降時,稍微的曲線(適中的緊張度)可以使整體趨勢更易於識別。
  • 視覺上更吸引人: 平滑的曲線有時比剛硬的線條更具視覺吸引力,特別是對於那些有漸變的數據。

如何使用緊張度 Tension:

Tension 是线形图和散点图中 dataset 配置中的一个设置。你可以在 JavaScript 代码中进行调整

const data = {
  labels: ['James', 'Lily', 'David'],
  datasets: [{
    label: 'Cookies Eaten',
    data: [5, 8, 3],
    // Adjust tension here (between 0 and 1)
    tension: 0.4,
    backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
    borderColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',


  • 雖然曲線看起來很漂亮,但準確性應該是首要的。不要使用緊張度來創造不符合數據真實趨勢的非現實曲線。
  • 尝试不同的“tension”值,看看哪种最适合你的数据。
  • 对于需要更具体曲线调整的折线图,可以查看 Chart.js 文档中的 cubicInterpolationMode 设置。


通过使用 Chart.js 中的 tension 设置,你可以控制折线图和散点图中线条的平滑度。这有助于更清晰地展示数据趋势,并创建视觉上更具吸引力的图表,让数据更容易理解。所以,尽情调整那些线条,让它们既柔滑又不过度弯曲,以最佳方式展示你的数据吧!


Chart.defaults.global: Setting the Stage for Your Charts in Chart.js

Imagine you’re a party planner and you want everyone to feel comfortable and stylish at your event. In Chart.js, Chart.defaults.global acts like your party’s dress code, setting some default styles for all your charts. This makes creating consistent and visually appealing charts a breeze!

What is Chart.defaults.global?

In Chart.js, every chart you create has its own configuration options. But wouldn’t it be nice to have some basic styles applied automatically to all your charts? That’s where Chart.defaults.global comes in. It’s an object that allows you to define default settings for various aspects of your charts, like font sizes, colors, and animation options.

Why Use Chart.defaults.global?

Here are some benefits of using Chart.defaults.global:

  • Consistency: By setting defaults, all your charts will have a similar look and feel, creating a cohesive visual experience for your users.
  • Efficiency: You don’t need to repeat the same configuration options for every chart. Just set them once in Chart.defaults.global, and they’ll be applied automatically.
  • Customization: You can still override these defaults for specific charts if you want a unique style for a particular visualization.

What Can You Set in Chart.defaults.global?

There are many options you can configure within Chart.defaults.global. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • Font Sizes: Set default font sizes for chart titles, labels, and tooltips.
  • Colors: Define default colors for chart elements like lines, bars, and points.
  • Animations: Control the animation behavior of your charts, including duration and easing functions.
  • Grid Lines: Set the style and visibility of grid lines on your charts.
  • Legends: Configure the legend’s appearance, position, and behavior.

How to Use Chart.defaults.global:

Here’s an example of how to set some default font sizes in Chart.defaults.global:

Chart.defaults.global = {
  // Set default font sizes
  defaultFontSize: 14,
  titleFont size: 16,
  legendFontSize: 12

// Now, all your charts will use these default font sizes
const config1 = {
  type: 'bar',
  data: /* Your chart data */

const config2 = {
  type: 'line',
  data: /* Your chart data */

new Chart(ctx1, config1);
new Chart(ctx2, config2);

Important Note:

While Chart.defaults.global provides a convenient way to set defaults, it’s important to remember that you can still override these defaults in the configuration object for each individual chart. This gives you flexibility to create unique styles for specific charts when needed.


通过使用 Chart.js 中的 Chart.defaults.global, you can establish a foundation for the visual style of your charts in Chart.js. This helps ensure consistency across your project and saves you time by setting default options all at once. So go forth and create beautiful and informative charts with a touch of global style!


Making Your Chart Sleeker: Hiding the Legend in Chart.js

Legends in Chart.js are great for explaining what each line or bar in your chart represents. But sometimes, you might want a cleaner look or the legend might be taking up unnecessary space. Here’s how to easily hide the legend in Chart.js!

Two Ways to Hide the Legend:

There are two main approaches to remove the legend from your chart:

1. Using the Options Object:

This is the most straightforward way to hide the legend. Here’s how:

  • In your JavaScript code where you configure your chart, you’ll have an options 對象內控制字體樣式和顏色。
  • options object, there’s a plugins property. This is where you can control settings for various plugins, including the legend.
  • Add a legend property within plugins. Set the display property of legend to false.

Here’s an example code snippet:

const config = {
  type: 'bar', // Replace with your chart type (bar, line, etc.)
  data: /* Your chart data */,
  options: {
    plugins: {
      legend: {
        display: false // This hides the legend

new Chart(ctx, config);

2. Using Chart.defaults.global (Less Common):

This approach is less common but can be useful if you want to hide the legend by default for all your charts. Here’s how:

Here’s an example code snippet:

Chart.defaults.global.legend.display = false; // Hides legend for all charts

const config = {
  type: 'bar', // Replace with your chart type (bar, line, etc.)
  data: /* Your chart data */

new Chart(ctx, config);

Choosing the Right Method:

  • If you only want to hide the legend for a specific chart, use the options object within your chart configuration (method 1).
  • If you want to hide the legend by default for all your charts in your project, use Chart.defaults.global (method 2).


By using either the options object or Chart.defaults.global, you can easily hide the legend in your Chart.js charts, giving them a cleaner and more focused look. Now go forth and create beautiful and informative charts without those pesky legends getting in the way!


Spacing Out Your Bars in Chart.js: Understanding barPercentage vs. categoryPercentage

Imagine you’re creating a bar chart in Chart.js to show how many hours different people spent studying. You want to see who studied the most, but the bars are all bunched up! It’s hard to tell which bar is higher. Here’s where barPercentagecategoryPercentage come in to help you space out your bars and make your chart clearer.

But what’s the difference between these two settings?

Both barPercentagecategoryPercentage affect spacing in your chart, but they target different things:

1. barPercentage:

  • Controls the width (horizontal bars) or height (vertical bars) of each individual bar relative to the total space available for all bars.
  • Think of it like a pie chart for all the bars in your chart. barPercentage determines the size of the slice of pie each individual bar gets.
  • Default value: 0.9 (90% of available space used by the bar)
  • Values: 0 to 1 (0: no bar width/height, 1: full width/height)

2. categoryPercentage:

  • Controls the space allocated for the bars themselves 等屬性在 overall width or height of the chart area.
  • Imagine each category (like “John,” “Mary,” etc. on the x-axis) as a slice of a bigger pie representing the entire chart area. categoryPercentage determines how big that slice is for the bars.
  • Default value: 0.8 (80% of category space used by bars)
  • Values: 0 to 1 (0: no space for bars, 1: full space for bars)

Here’s a table to help you remember:

ControlsWidth/height of individual barsSpace for bars within category
AffectsSpace between barsSpace between categories and bars
Imaginary pieIndividual bar sliceCategory slice
Default value0.90.8
Values0 to 10 to 1
Understanding barPercentage vs. categoryPercentage


Think of your bar chart like a parking lot with rows (categories) and individual parking spaces (bars).

  • barPercentage controls the width of each parking space relative to the total space available in a row.
  • categoryPercentage controls the overall space allocated for parking within a row, leaving space for driving lanes between rows.

Choosing the Right Option:

  • 使用 barPercentage to adjust the width/height of individual bars for better readability when many bars are close in value.
  • 使用 categoryPercentage to control the overall spacing between bars and categories, especially if you have many categories or want to show additional information on the axes.

By understanding these differences, you can effectively control the spacing in your Chart.js bar charts, making them easier to read and understand for everyone!


理解 Chart.js 中的 barPercentage:給你的條形圖一些空間

想像一下,你在 Chart.js 中創建一個條形圖來顯示不同的人吃了多少餅乾。你想知道誰是最大的餅乾怪獸,但條形圖顯得擠在一起,很難區分。這時 barPercentage 就派上用場了!

什麼是 barPercentage?

在 Chart.js 中 barPercentage 控制每個條形相對於所有條形總可用空間的寬度(對於水平條形圖)或高度(對於垂直條形圖)。這就像設定每個條形從總空間中獲得的百分比。


使用 barPercentage 可以防止你的條形圖變成一團糟!以下是它重要的原因:

  • 清晰是關鍵: 當條形圖過於接近時,很難看清它們的值並進行比較。調整 barPercentage 可以在條形圖之間創造空間,使數據更易於理解。
  • 自定義能力: 你可能有大量數據,或者想在 x 軸(水平)或 y 軸(垂直)上顯示更多細節。 barPercentage 允許你控制條形的寬度或高度,以滿足你的需求。


barPercentage 是介於 0 和 1 之間的值。以下是它的含義:

  • 1(默認值): 這樣會將所有條形的總可用空間(減去它們之間的間距)完全分配給每個條形。條形將會盡可能地寬或高,彼此緊貼。
  • 小於 1: 這會縮小每個條形的寬度或高度,從而在它們之間創造空間。數值越低,條形就會變得越窄或越短,並且它們之間的空間會越多。


想像圖表上所有條形的總可用空間是一個矩形的餅圖。 barPercentage 決定了這個餅圖中每個切片的寬度(對於水平條形)或高度(對於垂直條形)分配給單個條形的比例。值為 1 會佔據整個切片,而小於 1 的值則會給每個條形分配更小的切片,並在條形之間留下空隙。


通過調整 Chart.js 中的 barPercentage 你可以控制條形圖中條形的寬度或高度,確保它們有足夠的空間以清晰地顯示。這使得你的數據可視化更具可讀性,幫助人們理解數據點之間的比較。嘗試調整這個設置,以找到適合你的圖表的最佳平衡!


Understanding categoryPercentage in Chart.js: Making Space for Your Bars

Understanding categoryPercentage in Chart.js: Making Space for Your Bars

Imagine you’re creating a bar chart in Chart.js to show how many sales each salesperson made. You want the bars to be clear and easy to compare, but they seem crammed together. That’s where categoryPercentage 就派上用場了!

What is categoryPercentage?

在 Chart.js 中 categoryPercentage controls the space allocated for the bars themselves within the overall width or height of the chart area (depending on whether you’re using a vertical or horizontal bar chart). It’s like a pie chart where each slice represents a category on the x-axis (horizontal) or y-axis (vertical).


使用 categoryPercentage helps you find the sweet spot between showing enough bars and giving them enough breathing room for readability. Here’s why:

  • Clearer Comparisons: When bars are squished together, it can be difficult to compare their values accurately. Adjusting categoryPercentage creates space between bars, making it easier to see the difference.
  • Customizing Chart Appearance: You might want to show more or fewer bars depending on your data and how much detail you want to convey. categoryPercentage allows you to fine-tune the spacing for a visually appealing chart.


categoryPercentage 是介於 0 和 1 之間的值。以下是它的含義:

  • 1(默認值): This allocates the full available space for the category labels (including space between them) to the bars themselves. The bars will be right next to each other with no gaps.
  • 小於 1: This shrinks the space allocated to the bars, creating space between them. The lower the value, the more space between the bars.


Think of the space available for the bars on the x-axis (or y-axis) as a pie chart. categoryPercentage determines how big a slice of that pie is allocated to the bars themselves. A value of 1 takes the whole pie, while values less than 1 give the bars a smaller slice, leaving space between them.


通過調整 Chart.js 中的 categoryPercentage in Chart.js, you can control the spacing between bars in your bar chart, making them easier to compare and improving the overall readability of your data visualization. Play around with this setting to find the perfect balance for your chart!


How to display the chart data labels using the center option in Chart JS

To display the chart data labels using the “center” option in Chart.js, you can use the chartjs-plugin-datalabels plugin. This plugin allows you to customize the placement of data labels on your chart. Below are the steps and code needed to achieve this:

Include the necessary libraries: Make sure to include Chart.js and the Chart.js Data Labels plugin in your HTML file.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chartjs-plugin-datalabels"></script>

Create the chart: Set up your chart configuration to use the Data Labels plugin and specify the align option as center.

<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
    const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
    const myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: 'bar', // You can change this to the type of chart you are using
        data: {
            labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'],
            datasets: [{
                label: 'My Dataset',
                data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55],
                backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
                borderColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
                borderWidth: 1
        options: {
            plugins: {
                datalabels: {
                    align: 'center',
                    anchor: 'center'
            scales: {
                y: {
                    beginAtZero: true

In this example:

  • type: Specifies the type of chart (e.g., bar, line, etc.).
  • data: Contains the dataset and labels for your chart.
  • options: Holds various configuration options for the chart.
    • plugins: This is where you configure the chartjs-plugin-datalabels.
      • datalabels: Settings for the Data Labels plugin.
        • align: Sets the alignment of the data labels. center will place the label in the center of the element (bar, point, etc.).
        • anchor: Determines the position of the label relative to the element. center will position the label at the center of the element.

Customization: You can further customize the appearance and behavior of the data labels using other options provided by the plugin, such as color, font, formatter, and more.

Here is an example with additional customization:

options: {
    plugins: {
        datalabels: {
            align: 'center',
            anchor: 'center',
            color: '#000000',
            font: {
                weight: 'bold',
                size: 14
            formatter: (value, context) => {
                return value + '%'; // Example: append a percentage sign to the value
    scales: {
        y: {
            beginAtZero: true

With these settings, the data labels will be centered within each element on your chart, providing a clear and neat presentation of the data values.
